Time is flying! Less than two months to go and I’ve started the overwhelming process of getting all of my “stuff” in order. Acquiring all of the gear I need and deciding what is essential to my existence in Senegal and what is unnecessary and can be lived without for a couple years. I have started two buckets (which ironically are an important commodity in Senegal): one of “must-haves” and one of things I would really like to bring but may not have room for...this will definitely break a person of consumerism. While this is a lot to think about it is far more appealing to me than dealing with the icky stuff like my financial obligations while I am gone and insurance/legal paperwork, etc. Regardless of all of the responsibilities that I have yet to take care of or am currently caught in the middle of, I am so ready to begin my adventure.
My anticipation is unparalleled to any other time in my life. I can’t wait to: meet my fellow Peace Corps trainees, find out what language I will be learning and start working towards my aspired fluency, SEE Senegal instead of reading about it, learn a whole new culture I have had no experience with, mango season, and so many other things.
Other things I am a little more apprehensive about, such as, mosquitoes, Senegalese bathroom habits, constant carbs, actual language acquisition, leaving my friends and family and essentially everything with familiarity, etc.
Oh the roller coaster of pre-departure emotions is an exciting one. Here’s to making my last couple months in country meaningful!